My blog

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Olive baboons

Olive baboons

May 22, 2013

A playful group of Olive Baboons, Papio anubis, Mount Meru, Arusha National Park, Tanzania, April 2013



May 20, 2013

Nothing is worth more than this day. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) German writer, artist, and politician

Feeling tiny

Feeling tiny

May 14, 2013

feeling tiny… Serengeti Ndogo, Mount Meru, Arusha National Park, Tanzania, April 2013 it’s night…

Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben.

Hermann Hesse


People with whom I enjoy working together

BarbaraHelmUniversity of Glasgow

Living organisms are exposed to predictable, periodic change in their environments. Keeping track of and anticipating these fluctuations is often highly relevant for well-being, reproduction and survival. Chronobiology, the study of adaptations to cope with geophysical cycles, has revealed an almost ubiquitous presence of endogenous  (more…)

Barbara Helm

BeaApfelbeck University of Glasgow

Bea’s work focuses on the physiological (mainly hormones, i.e. testosterone and corticosterone) and genetic differences (e.g. telomeres) between tropical and temperate-zone species that underlie differences in pace of life (slow versus fast). Her model species is the stonechat.
Chimala Wildlife Conservation Club
In and out of Tanzania

Beate Apfelbeck


Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Behavioural Neurobiology

Many behavioral and physiological responses of animals to predictable and unpredictable changes of the environment are modulated and mediated by hormones. Wolfgang is3 interested in the role of hormones in the control of seasonal behaviors, their modulation in response to predictable and unpredictable changes of the environment, and how the (more…)

Wolfgang Goymann

Oviedo University, Campus of Mieres
Research Unit of Biodiversity

 Juan Carlos’ research lies within ecology and evolution in island systems in a broad sense (i.e. oceanic islands and mountains). Especially, he is interested in understanding the evolutionary history and mechanisms in the differentiation of extant and extinct bird populations, and ascertain the biological reasons of their distributions. Furthermore, he also (more…)

Juan Carlos Illera


North Dakota State University
Department of Biological Sciences

Tim’s research is aimed at understanding how animals integrate environmental signals, time seasonal transitions, and/or the selective pressures shaping seasonality of temperate breeding birds.  To address these issues will require interdisciplinary research focused at multiple levels of analysis, including examination of gene and protein  expression patterns,  (more…)

Timothy Greives


Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Research Group Evolutionary Physiology

Ela’s main research interest is in trying to understand the ways in which animals are physiologically organized depending on the environment in which they live. She focuses on three physiological systems: i) reproduction, ii) endocrine control mechanisms, and iii) the circadian system. To study physiological adaptations, she compares bird populations across (more…)

Michaela Hau


University Princeton
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Rosemary is interested in the diversity of individuals produced by the interaction between genetics, ecology and behavior. How natural selection acts on this variation; the evolutionary response to natural selection and the bearing this has on the process of speciation. A fundamental problem in the study of evolution is to understand the steps (more…)

B. Rosemary Grant


University of Glasgow

How do populations of organisms change in space and time? Jason is interested in modelling the patterns and mechanisms that characterise spatial and population ecology. Much of his work has focused on building theory by translating biological hypotheses to mathematical models, using modern inference to fit these models to population, demographic, (more…)

Jason Matthiopoulos


Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Migration and Immuno-Ecology

There is a tight relationship between the realized ecological niche of a species and its spatial distribution, which is used frequently in the study of spatial patterns, diversity and conservation. And although the ecological niche seems to be stable in certain scales of time and space, a species and its environment are usually not at equilibrium. Life-history stages of a (more…)

Mariëlle van Toor